Fauna List

Over 150 species of birds have been recorded in the park, from birds of prey such as the  Black-shouldered Kite to lorikeets and wetland birds like grebe and cormorants. Such a variety of birds is possible because the park provides a wealth of diverse habitats and safe areas to rest and feed.

The lakes are home to many frogs, lizards, turtles, bats, possums  and snakes. In 2011, a tiny Hopping Mouse was sighted.

 The council is hoping to attract  possums out of neighbourhood roofs and into the park! Rescued animals are also released in carefully sited boxes by Wildlife Rescue services.

Below are links to each Fauna List page:

Bird Lists:
Click for 2020 monthly bird sightings

Bird List Archive:

Click here to see the 2016 bird list. 

Since 1986 records of bird sightings have been recorded: Bird List 1986-2015.

Since August 2011, Mary Burbidge has been keeping a month-by-month record of birds seen in the park. Click the link below for the list:

Aug2011toDecember 2013.pdf

Click the link below for Mary's 2014 sightings.


Please contact Mary Burbidge about any new sightings of birds or other animals on: andrewburbidge3@gmail.com 

'Other Fauna' List:

As well as many birds, visitors to the park may sometimes see other animal species, particularly at night.

The list below may be incomplete, so please contact us if there are other species you have identified: 

Newport Lakes Park Fauna List 2012.pdf

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 Swans and cygnets

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos            Photo Mary Burbidge 2011

 Hoary Headed Grebe. Photo John Barkla 2012


Brush Bronzewing - Photo John Barkla
An exciting new bird seen several times in 2012


Eastern Snake-necked Turtle (internet image)


Common Ringtail Possum (internet image)


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