Seat Installations, 2010
Diane Wise made a bequest to FoNL. This was used to install four seats with plaques recognizing her bequest.
Diane Wise made a bequest to FoNL. This was used to install four seats with plaques recognizing her bequest.
To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Newport Lake Park, FoNL arranged for the installation of a plaque recognizing the great contribution of Maarten Hulzebosch to the park design and development. The plaque was unveiled by the Hon Nicola Roxon MHR
Visits, talks, walks, planting, weeding, watering, mulching, rubbish collection as well as arranging and conducting special events for particular groups. As well as the associated newsletters, fliers, media releases and photo shoots.
Including removal of Arboretum fences, improving the quality of Maintenance contract, showing the need for additional Ranger staff, allowable locations of dogs in the park, relationships with building contractors, project ideas for the North-West Plain, attending relevant Council and Greening Australia Victoria functions, forums and workshops.
Working with other Friends and the Migrant Resource Centre – Westgate to produce a script and film a video promoting local parks, indigenous plants and Friends activities to new residents.
Working with Council and Victoria University to create an additional path in Pavey’s Park.
Working with local schools, artist Linda Cottrell and tile manufacturers to create native bird mosaics and trail markers, bird boxes, a bird hide, a trail guide and a trail launch event.
Working with Ecogen Energy (the power station) and Shell to collect, transport and distribute clean waste-water in the Arboretum.