The Friends of Newport Lakes was formed in 1997 to promote the welfare of the park.
Hobsons Bay City Council remains the major initiator, funder and manager of changes but it encourages and responds to input from FoNL, the local community and park users.
About Us – FoNL
- - Retain the whole of the area as a public park
- - Be a focus, a resource and intermediary for people’s involvement
- - Educate to promote care by the community
- - Maintain and protect the park’s diversity and uniqueness
The 2024-25 Committee Members are:
- President: Neil Zimmerman (continuing)
- Treasurer: Greg Hancock (continuing)
- Secretary: Ingrid Dodd (continuing)
- Information Technology & Publicity: Sabine Boukamp (continuing)
- Social Media: Gaida Saulitis (continuing)
- Working Bee Coordination: Lorraine Harrison (continuing)
- General Committee Member: Stephen Gaff (continuing)
- General Committee Member: Paul Eden (new member since 10/2024)
Please note: All financial members are eligible to become committee members and new members are always welcome.
About FoNL Committee
The Committee meets monthly to:- plan and review monthly events;
- liase with HBCC officers on the calendar of events for the coming year;
- work with HBCC rangers to address issues relating to the park;
- provide newsletters and other information to members;
- manage memberships issues;
- manage finances;
- deal with correspondence; and
- hold an AGM for members as per our Constitution.
The Friends of Newport Lakes (FoNL) Committee would like to extend its sincere gratitude to the many dedicated individuals who have contributed to keeping this community group active over the years. The tireless efforts and passionate commitment of those who have been involved in various capacities – from committee members to volunteers – have been instrumental in shaping and preserving the vision for the Newport Lakes Reserve, even as some have moved on or passed away. We honour their legacy and appreciate the ongoing support that continues to sustain our community group.Life Member:
- Sarah Berry - founding member and past President
- Lorraine Harrison - past President
- Gai Moonie - past Publicity
- Gaye Witney - past President
- Mluk Nehme - past Publicity
Previous Committee Members:
- Mary Burbidge - founding member and past Secretary
- Ron Bowman - founding member and past Treasurer
- Valerie Gemmell - founding member and past President
- Ellie Larkins - past President
- Frances Brennan - past committee member
- Sue Wright - past committee member
- Christine Weller - past committee member
- Geoff Wraight - past committee member
- Jenny Allen - past committee member
- Dianne Whittle - past committee member
- Manny Gaugain - past Treasurer
- Wendy Brooke - past Minute Secretary
- Barbara Heggen - past Publicity
- Jack White - past Publicity
- Kathryn Lewis - past Minute Secretary
- Matt Shaw - past Information Technology
The Hobsons Bay City Council (HBCC) manages the park for recreation, a bush-like atmosphere and protection of native wildlife.
HBCC contracts out some aspects of park management (nursery, security and dog by-law enforcement) through two-year contracts.
Much of the day-to-day planting and weeding work is managed according to a vegetation management plan. This work is undertaken by council Rangers and ground crew. From time-to-time, HBCC releases plans for capital works to enhance the park with "Newport Lakes Conservation and Improvement Plan" being the latest. It was adopted by HBCC in June 2022 and hopefully the key actions over short term (1-3 years), medium term (3-5 years) and long term (5-10 years) will get budget allocations secured.
We think our relationship with HBCC is vital to the sensitive development of the park. We liaise with the Rangers and Ward Councillors as appropriate to:
- exchange information about plans, projects or decisions;
- lobby for activity and funding; and
- provide input into Council plans for the park.
We aim to foster community interest in the park by:
- Holding entertainment in less sensitive areas of the park;
- Leading educational walks through the park;
- Advertising our regular events;
- Promoting community care of the park; and
- Responding to feedback from the community about issues in the park.

Events include planting, watering, mulching, weeding and water testing. There are also special events for Clean-up Australia Day, National Tree Day and an end-of-year Thank-you Gathering.
HBCC also organises an annual joint outing for members of all local Friends Groups. Most events start in the carpark at 10am every second Sunday of the month (except December and January).
Current Calendar for Working Bees

Important Notice
If there is a Total Fire Ban on the day of a planned event, the Event will be Cancelled. We will try to let people know beforehand.

We send updates about events and projects to members through regular flyers. Most contact with members is through e-mail ([email protected]).
The Publicity Officer produces regular Newsletters which are distributed to members.
From time to time we have articles in local papers, tables at festivals and open days and give walks/talks to local groups.
Having discovered being a local resident the beautiful urban landscape called Newport Lakes
and visiting often I noticed a working bee notice on one of the gates.
Then I thought I could contribute by volunteering. I did this twice in early 2020. I was so impressed what a group of people could do that the next step for me was to
continue volunteering and become a member of The Friends of Newport Lakes.
For a modest annual amount it has strengthened my love for the park and
committed me to its future well being.
A Friends Group is a collection of volunteers who help look after an area they care about.
There are many such groups all over Victoria caring for parks, gardens, houses, museums, rivers, and so on. Some are huge with lots of sponsors and grants and some are very small running on the backs of a few hard- working individuals.
There are many local enviro-friends groups supported by HBCC. Go to the HBCC website to find out more about Conservation Volunteering.
Hobsons Bay City Council works closely with other Environmental Friends Groups, other Friends Groups include:
- Friends of Greenwich Bay - Friends Of Greenwich Bay Facebook page
- Friends of Laverton Creek - Friends of Laverton Creek Facebook page
- Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek - www.folkc.com.au
- Friends of Skeleton Creek - Friends of Skeleton Creek Facebook page
- Friends of Stony Creek - Friends of Stony Creek Facebook page
- Trugania Explosive Reserve Preservation Society - Truganina Explosives Reserve Facebook page
- Friends of Williamstown Wetlands - www.friendsofwilliamstownwetlands.org.au
- Friends of Truganina Parklands
- Point Gellibrand Action Group
Newport Lakes Nursery
Newport Lakes Nursery is privately operated and sells a range of local native and aquatic plants. Its hours of operation are 11:00am to 4:00pm daily. For more information about the nursery, phone 9391 0044.
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Social media: Friends of Newport Lakes Facebook page / Friends of Newport Lakes Instagram account