What Can I Do?

It's really easy for you to do something to help Newport Lakes Park right now. Here are some ideas:

1. Contact Mary with ideas and offers of help at: andrewburbidge3@gmail.com

2. Get your school or group involved.

3. Come along to the monthly conservation events organised by FoNL.

4. Learn about the plants and animals at Newport Lakes and tell us what you learned.

5. Email your stories about the park when it was a tip or quarry to Mary on:  andrewburbidge3@gmail.com  With your consent they can be published on the website.

6. Keep your cats in at night. Even well-fed cats hunt; it's instinct. Bells just make them better hunters.

7. Keep your dogs out of the sensitive Lakes and Amphitheatre areas. Dogs are permitted on the North-West Plain, Arboretum and Pavey's Park (away from the barbecue and playground).

8. Take your unwanted ducks and other pets to the Lost Dogs Home (9329 3153) rather than dumping them in the park.

9. Keep your (mountain) bikes out of the Lakes and Amphitheatre areas. If you must ride here, use the paths.

10. Report destructive and dangerous behaviour to the Ranger at HBCC, call 9932 1000.

11. Take a bucket on your walk and water this year's plantings. Look for the tree guards. There are taps in the car park, and along the tarmac road in the Arboretum.

12. Take a bag on your walk and pick up rubbish. If it's too big, call the Ranger at HBCC on 9932 1000.

13. Take all your rubbish home. Recycle where you can.

14. Pull out weeds on your walk. Just pile them by the side of the path. If you are unsure whether a plant is a weed, find out before you pull it out.

15. Put your own garden weeds, cuttings and lawn clippings in your Council green bin. It is collected once a month, turned into mulch and used on Council parks and gardens.

Parents and children testing water quality

16. Visit the Newport Lakes Native Nursery and use indigenous plants in your garden. They use less water.

17. Please do not feed birds around the lakes. Not feeding the birds helps to prevent algae growing in the summer because excess nutrients from bread won't build up in the lake. Ideally, don't feed birds at all. They have plenty of natural food. Artificial food is bad for the health of the birds and feeding  birds attracts pests and makes the birds dependant  and vulnerable to attacks.

18. Observe snakes from a distance and let them pass. They only bite if you annoy them. Keep to the paths; don't walk in long grass on warm days. If you find a snake in your garden watch where it goes and call the snake catcher on 0418 379 064


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